FWA Foundation Wall Angle

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The FWANZ foundation anchor connects the foundation or basement wall to the floor system to resist out-of-plane forces imposed by soil pressure. The foundation wall angle fastens to the mudsill with nails, relying on other anchorage (by Designer) to anchor the sill plate to the foundation.

Key Features

  • Compatible with solid sawn joists, I-joists and floor trusses
  • Testing performed on most common rim materials and types
  • Addresses design needs set forth in Section 1610.1 in the 2015 / 2018 IBC and Section R404.1 in the 2015 / 2018 IRC
  • Eliminates the need of costly cantilevered foundation designs


  • 14 gauge


  • ZMAX® coating; see Corrosion Information


  • Use all specified fasteners; see General Notes.
  • Connector must be fastened directly to the outside face of the rim board with (5) 0.148" x 1 1/2" long nails.
  • Connector must be located within 4" of adjacent joist/blocking for floor joist spacing up to 48" o.c. and may be centered between joists/blocking for 16" o.c. floor joist spacing.
  • When floor joists are parallel to the rim board, full depth blocking shall be used in the first two bays of the floor per 2012 / 2015 / 2018 IRC Section R404.1.
  • Splice joint not permitted on rim board in same bay unless blocking is placed on both sides of the splice.
  • When I-joist rim material is used, backer blocks must be used. Installed per manufacturer’s recommendations.

Load Tables

    These products are available with additional corrosion protection. Additional products on this page may also be available with this option, check with Simpson Strong-Tie for details.

FWANZ Foundation Wall Angles Load Table
  1. FWANZ may be used to transfer F1 loads up to 260 lb. No further increase in load permitted.
  2. For simultaneous loads in more than one direction, the connector must be evaluated using the Unity Equation, as described in General Instructions for the Designer.
  3. Designer shall evaluate rim board and sill plate design based on demand load.
  4. FWANZ spacing and sill plate anchorage are to be specified by the Designer.
  5. FWANZ must be located within 4" of adjacent joist/blocking for floor joist spacing up to 48" o.c. and may be centered between joists/blocking for 16" o.c. floor joist spacing.
  6. When floor joists are parallel to the rim board, Designer must ensure proper load transfer from the rim board into the diaphragm.
  7. Values are based on a load duration factor of CD = 0.90.
  8. Fasteners: Nail dimensions in the table are listed diameter by length. For additional information, see Fastener Types and Sizes Specified for Simpson Strong-Tie Connectors.


Extra Information

Simpson Strong-Tie
0.70 LBS