Mudsill anchors provide an alternative to anchor bolts. They easily mount on forms and make finishing easier. The unique design provides installation flexibility, eliminating problems with misplaced anchor bolts. Suitable for stemwall or slab foundations, mudsill anchors are one piece so there are no more nuts and washers to lose.
LMAZ — an economical replacement for 1/2" sill plate anchor bolts
MAB/MASB — anchors mudsill to concrete block, poured walls or slab foundations
- LMAZ, MAB — 18 gauge; MASB — 16 gauge
- MAB, MASB — galvanized (also available in ZMAX® coating); LMAZ — ZMAX only. See Corrosion Information.
- Use all specified fasteners; see General Notes.
- CMU shall have a minimum f'm = 1,500 psi and concrete shall have a minimum f'c = 2,000 psi.
- Not for use where a horizontal cold joint exists between the slab and foundation wall or footing beneath, unless provisions are made to transfer the load.
- Not for use in slabs poured over foundation walls formed of concrete block or with brick and 4" masonry block stemwalls.
- Fill CMU cell with concrete grout first, then place MASB into the grouted cell and adjust into position. Attach mudsill to anchor only after the concrete grout cures.
- CMU shall have a minimum f'm = 1,500 psi.
- The MASB mudsill anchors were tested in standard 8" CMU.
Product Information Tables
Prescriptive Anchor Spacing
These products are available with additional corrosion protection. Additional products on this page may also be available with this option, check with Simpson Strong-Tie for details.

- "Prescriptive" denotes designs per the IRC or conventional provisions of the IBC for wind speeds 100 mph or less, or for Seismic Design Category D and less (SDC E and less in IBC).
- Spacing is based on parallel-to-plate load direction only.
- Place anchors not more than 12" from the end of sill and splices per code.
- Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of f'c = 2,500 psi.
- Grout-filled CMU (GFCMU) shall have a minimum compressive strength of f'm = 1,500 psi.
- Spacings apply to DF, SP, and HF sill plates.
Load Tables
These products are available with additional corrosion protection. Additional products on this page may also be available with this option, check with Simpson Strong-Tie for details.

- Loads have been increased for wind or earthquake loading, with no further increase allowed. Reduce where other loads govern.
- For uplift loads, provide attachment from mudsill to building's structural components to prevent cross-grain bending.
- LMAZ installed attached to the stud has no load reduction for parallel and perpendicular loads and an uplift of 600 lb. for LMA4 and 835 lb. for LMA6.
- For concrete stem wall applications, allowable loads are based on a minimum concrete stem wall width of 6".
- Uplift loads do not apply to MAB installed on 2x8, 2x10, or 2x12 sill plates.
- Fasteners: Nail dimensions in the table are listed diameter by length. For additional information, see Fastener Types and Sizes Specified for Simpson Strong-Tie Connectors.