The MTSM and HTSM offer high-strength truss-to-masonry connections.
- MTSM — 16 gauge; HTSM — 14 gauge
- Galvanized; see Corrosion Information
- Use all specified fasteners; see General Notes
- Installs with hex-head Titen® 2 screws
- Attach to either side of grouted concrete block with a minimum one #5 rebar horizontal
- MTSM and HTSM can be field-bent once to a 45° angle
Load Tables

- Loads have been increased for wind or earthquake loading, with no further increase allowed. Reduce where other loads govern.
- Twist straps do not need to be wrapped over the truss to achieve the allowable load.
- Minimum edge distance for Titen® 2 screw is 1 1/2".
- See Titen® 2 screw information.
- Products shall be installed such that Titen® 2 screws are not exposed to the weather.
- Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of f'c = 2,500 psi.
- Grout-filled CMU (GFCMU) shall have a minimum compressive strength of f'm = 1,500 psi.
- Lateral loads apply when the first seven nail holes on the truss/rafter near the bend line are filled. Any other fasteners required can be installed in any open hole.
- Fasteners: Nail dimensions in the table are diameter by length. Titen 2 concrete/masonry screws are Simpson Strong-Tie concrete/masonry screws. For additional information, see Fastener Types and Sizes Specified for Simpson Strong-Tie Connectors.
Extra Information
Simpson Strong-Tie
0.50 LBS