VTCR Single-Sided Valley Truss Clip

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The VTCR is a single-sided valley truss clip that provides a positive connection between the valley truss and the supporting framing below. Installed on top of the roof sheathing, it eliminates the need to add a support wedge under the valley truss or to bevel the bottom chord to match the roof pitch.

Key Features

  • Single-sided for new construction or retrofit applications — can be installed after the valley truss is set in place
  • Accommodates pitches from 0/12 to 12/12
  • Can be installed on either beveled or non-beveled bottom chords
  • Installs with nails or Strong-Drive® SD Connector screws


  • 18 gauge


  • Galvanized


  • The dome holes assist in installing the fasteners into the supporting framing at approximately 45°

Load Tables

    Many of these products are approved for installation with Strong-Drive® SD Connector screws.

VTCR Load Table
  1. Uplift loads have been increased for earthquake or wind loading with no further increase allowed. Reduce where other loads govern.
  2. Loads are based on installation over 7/16" or 15/32" sheathing. For installation over 19/32" or 5/8" sheathing, allowable uplift loads are 285 lb. (DF/SP) and 245 lb. (SPF/HF) when installed with nails, or 370 lb. (DF/SP) and 320 lb. (SPF/HF) when installed with screws.
  3. When attached directly to the supporting framing with either screws or nails, the allowable uplift for pitches less than 4/12 is 240 lb. (DF/SP) and 205 lb. (SPF/HF). For pitches 4/12 to 12/12, use the tabulated uplift loads.
  4. Allowable uplift loads are based on the lower of the test loads at 3/16" deflection or the ultimate load divided by a safety factor of three.
  5. Southern pine allowable download is 750 lb.
  6. Hem-fir allowable download is 625 lb.
  7. When the valley truss and supporting framing are of different species, use the lower tabulated values.
  8. Fasteners: Nail dimensions in the table are listed diameter by length. For additional information, see Fastener Types and Sizes Specified for Simpson Strong-Tie Connectors.
  9. Fasteners: SD screws are Simpson Strong-Tie® Strong-Drive® screws. See fastener information.


Extra Information

Simpson Strong-Tie
0.40 LBS