MGT/HGT Girder Tiedowns

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$35.82 - $207.26


The MGT and HGT series are girder tiedowns for moderate- to high-load applications that are typically installed prior to roof sheathing. The MGT wraps over the heel and is anchored on one side of the truss. The HGT straddles the heel and anchors on both sides of the truss. The HGT is field-adjustable, making it suitable for trusses with top chord slopes up to 8/12. The HGT is available in sizes for two-, three- and four-ply widths.


  • MGT — 12 gauge; HGT — 7 gauge


  • MGT — galvanized; HGT — Simpson Strong-Tie gray paint


  • Use all specified fasteners; see General Notes
  • When the HGT-3 is used with a two-ply girder or beam, shimming is required and must be fastened to act as one unit
  • Attach to grouted concrete block with a minimum one #5 rebar horizontal in the top lintel block
  • MGT — install a minimum of (6) 0.148" x 3" nails into the face of roof member that is on same side as MGT base

Load Tables

MGT/HGT Load Table
  1. Attached members must be designed to resist applied loads.
  2. Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of f'c = 2,500 psi.
  3. Grout-filled CMU (GFCMU) shall have a minimum compressive strength of f'm = 1,500 psi.
  4. To achieve the loads listed for the MGT and HGT, install SET-XP® anchoring adhesive anchorage into a 8"-wide concrete tie-beam or grouted and reinforced CMU tie-beam with a minimum embedment depth of 12". Vertical reinforcement may be required to transfer the loads per Designer. Alternate anchorage may be determined by Designer.
  5. Allowable loads have been increased for wind or earthquake loading with no further increase allowed. Reduce where other loads govern.
  6. The MGT can be installed with straps vertical for full table load, provided all specified nails are installed to either a solid header or minimum double 2x6 web.
  7. Fasteners: Nail dimensions in the table are listed diameter by length. For additional information, see Fastener Types and Sizes Specified for Simpson Strong-Tie Connectors.


Extra Information

Simpson Strong-Tie
2.70 LBS